4 Ways Water Can Damage Your Roofing
Over the years, and especially during hurricanes, thunderstorms, and other major weather events, your roofing can suffer damage. Catching roof problems early and getting them repaired is crucial to protecting your roof and all that lies below it.
In a previous blog post, we covered 4 ways high winds can damage roofing. Here below, we’ll look at 4 ways water can do the same.
1. Sneaking Through Openings
If your roofing already has existing openings, such as cracked caulk and sealant beads, flashing that’s not tight to the roof, wall, or chimney, or shingles that are not properly installed or have been pushed up at the ends by wind or excessive heat – water will find those openings.This leads to roof leaks that may damage the attic ceiling and floor. Water may also discolor or cause mold and mildew growth on ceilings and walls in your main living quarters, as the water trickles down. Slip and fall accidents due to pools of water on your floor and a potential fire hazard as water comes in contact with your home’s wiring are additional risks a roof leak can incur.
2. Sitting Between Roofing & Roof Deck
Oftentimes, water gets through the outer layer of roofing, but doesn’t get into the house itself. This can lead to mold and mildew growth on the roof decking, which may then spread into your home.Plus, moisture trapped under your shingles can gradually weaken the plywood roof deck itself, and even produce structural damage to the roof rafters and timbers over the years if not addressed.Of course, a small amount of moisture getting below your roofing one time or only after major storms is not a big problem. But, if moisture continually gets in and finds nowhere to go, it can cause serious weakening of your roof structure over the long term – which is why an annual roof inspection to spot such issues early is crucial.
3. Rusting Out Nails
Another problem that occurs when water is allowed to routinely get under your shingles is that nails may begin to rust. If the wrong type of nails were used on the shingles or if the nails in the roof deck are affected, this can lead to structural compromise or loosening of roofing shingles.Rusted out nails could eventually cause shingles to blow off more easily during a windstorm. This is why you need to use a top-tier contractor who knows about details like which nails to use and precisely how to arrange shingles to create a solid, lasting water barrier.
4. Reducing R-value Of Insulation
Another way water can cause your home serious problems and cost you money, when it gets through your roofing, is by damaging attic insulation. Sometimes, water may even damage insulation in ceilings and walls further down in your home.Wet insulation gets moldy, compressed, and dirty. Fiberglass and cellulose, the two most common insulation materials, take a long time to dry out – and they are quite ineffective while saturated with water. Over time, water can destroy the R-value (energy efficiency) of your insulation.
By trusting a conscientious, experienced, local roofing contractor to install, inspect, and repair your roofing, you can avoid the ill effects that water can have on your roofing, roof, and home.
To learn more about water damage and roof repairs, or to get a free roof repair quote, contact Sheegog Contracting in Central Florida today!